How to Store Fresh Herbs for a Longer Time?

How to Store Fresh Herbs for a Longer Time?

How to Store Fresh Herbs for a Longer Time?

You may be looking for ways to store your fresh herbs for a longer time, but never know how. I am here to tell you how to store fresh herbs so they are flavorful, stay green, and last for a longer time.

Basic Types of Herbs

There are two types of herbs

  • Soft herbs

These have soft stems and fine green leaves, some of them have edible stems. Examples include dill, cilantro, mint, basil, and parsley.

  • Hardy herbs

These have tougher leaves and woody stems. Examples are thyme, oregano, and Rosemary.

Before I guide you about storing the herbs, it will be great to share the reasons why your herbs spoil.

Why Herbs Get Spoiled? 

When the leaves are turning darker and slimy or your herbs have a changed smell, it’s time to dispose of those herbs. But why do herbs get spoiled quickly?

Here are a few reasons:

  • Herbs color is already a bit pale when you bought them.  Do not buy herbs that have discoloration, or are soggy.
  • You can use the sniff test when you buy herbs. Herbs should have a fresh smell.
  • When the leaves are too dry, they turn brown and die while if the leaves are too wet they will rot.
  • Too much light changes the color of leaves to yellow.  
  • When you keep herbs in colder areas of the fridge, they will become mushy and decay faster. 

How to Store Herbs in the Fridge?

  • Soft Herbs

You can use this method to keep soft herbs like parsley, cilantro, mint, and dill fresh for up to 2 weeks in the fridge.
 If your herbs come packaged with a rubber band, you need to remove them first as it can damage the herbs. Wash them in cool water. Pass the herbs under water several times to clear all dirt by changing the water until the water is clear.

  1. Shake the herbs a little bit. Then spread them on a clean linen towel to dry. Tap the herbs dry and turn the towels over them to take out any left moisture.
  2. Cut the herbs about an inch from the base of the stem. 
  3. Place the herbs in a large glass filled one-third with water just like a bouquet. The leaves should be away from water.
  4. Take a shopping bag enfold the leaves with it, and tie it loosely at the bottom.
  5. Place the covered herbs in the fridge. You can change the water every few days.
  • Hardy Herbs

You can also store hardy herbs like thyme, rosemary, and sage in the fridge. Just like soft herbs wash and dry the hardy herbs thoroughly. Cut about an inch of the stem. Organize them lengthwise in a single layer on a slightly moist paper towel, roll them up, then wrap the roll in plastic wrap.

How to Store Herbs in a Freezer?

  • Hardy Herbs

Store in the refrigerator. You can blanch and chill the basil leaves, freeze the leaves on a flat tray, and then put them into a zip-tight bag.

  • Soft Herbs

Make some preparation for soft herbs. The better way is to freeze them in oil.

After washing and drying the herbs, chop them up. After cutting place the herbs in a clean ice cube tray, now add extra virgin olive oil to these cubes, and freeze. Once chilled, you can take the cubes out of the tray and keep them in a freezer bag.

If you want to have a perfect knife for cutting herbs, at home click here

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