A Guide to Use an Instant Pot?
If you are hungry for yummy chickpeas, juicy roasts in a little while, or a hot broth ready when you come home, an Instant Pot is best. You will know how to operate an Instant Pot, with simple methods to avail your machine in the best way in this ”How to Use an Instant Pot” guide.
As an electric kettle or a microwave, now the Instant Pot is also a perfect kitchen match. It is replacing so many front desk appliances, from rice-making to slow cooking.
Before using Instant Pot, you must know about its basics.
What is an Instant Pot?
It is an electric pressure cooker. It is a multi-purpose appliance to make foods quickly at high pressure. Steam creates pressure in the pot, which raises the temperature and prepares food faster. In comparison to previously used pressure cookers, it has many secure features that make it safer and easier to use.
Instant Pot as Pressure Cooker
With the use of heat and pressure, an Instant Pot can cook food smoothly and quickly usually in half the time of traditional methods.
Instant Pot as a Slow Cooker
Sometimes it is more suitable to cook your food steadily. Instant Pot has a slow cooking feature that allows it to convert into a slow cooker for gentle, and long cooking.
Instant Pot Steams and Sautés
The machine has a fixed heat source that you can use to cook meats, blanch vegetables, or boil liquids for steaming.
Instant Pot as a Yogurt Maker, and Rice Cooker
It makes rice and yogurt with just the touch of a button.
Instant Pot Parts and Accessories
- Base Unit
It has a heating element.
- Stainless Steel Inner Pot
It fits into the base unit.
- Lid
The shape of the lid differs for Instant Pot models.
- Steam Releasing Valve OR Steam Release Handle
It fits on the lid and in some models, you find it attached.
- Condensation Collector
You fix it to the back of the Instant Pot.
- Trivet
You must save it, as you will use it more.
- Power Cord
It is removable in some models of Instant Pot.
- Measuring Cup & Utensils
With Instant Pot, you get measuring cups. You can use your measuring cups too.
How to Use an Instant Pot?
Here are some simple points for you to know when using an Instant Pot electric pressure cooker.
Liquid Required:
Whenever you cook in Instant Pot use a minimum of 1 cup of liquid. The Instant Pot utilizes steam and pressure to prepare food, so add liquid to create the pressure and steam. The water level varies with recipes.
Fill Level:
There are markings inside the inner pot. If you cook food that will increase in quantity after cooking such as quinoa, rice, or beans, fill the Instant Pot up to half on the marking.
As a ‘’Manual” Button
You can use it to start a pressure cooking cycle. It’s your main pressure cooking button.
+/- Buttons
You can use these buttons to set the cooking time.
“Keep Warm/Cancel” Button
You use it to end a cooking program.
“Sauté” Button
You can press it to sauté foods.
You can use it to thicken dips after cooking.
“Adjust” Button
It switches between Lesser, regular, and more cooking options. It is useful when using sauté mode, as this key manages the heat.
“Pressure” Button:
It switches between low and high-pressure modes.
Program Buttons
According to your Instant Pot model, the program choices can include Rice, Soup/Broth, Multigrain, Meat/Stew, Bean/Chili, Porridge, Cake, Yogurt, Egg, Slow Cook, and Steam. These programs have default cook times.
Use of the Trivet:
You can use it to raise food so that it does not touch the bottom of the pot. You can use the trivet to bake potatoes and hard-boil eggs.
Closing the Lid:
There is a track on the back top edge of the Instant Pot base. You can close the lid by turning it clockwise.
Sealing the Instant Pot
You can use the steam release valve to the “sealing” position to seal the Instant Pot. The steam release valve is a bit wobbly and it fits loosely. You will need to turn the valve to the sealing position every time you use the Instant Pot.
Check out Instant Pot Website here.
If you are interested in knowing about the use of an Instant Pot, click here https://cookingmo.com/how-to-use-an-instant-pot/